
The Details

Penalty Assessed
WEMSA - Chang

The Evidence

Rens 1st person
Rens 3rd person
Wolfgang 1st person
Wolfgang 3rd person

Head Steward Decision

Shows a serious lack of experience driving in traffic. First misjudging the situation while following a GTE which he had to drive off track to avoid making contact with. Secondly, and more importantly his immediate rejoin on to the racing line to try and complete the pass which almost caused a second contact before losing control of his car by locking up.

This and other reports have caused that this drivers LMP licence is technically revoked. Drive a clean workshop race on coming Saturday and stream it/save replay and send it to Tim May on Discord for evaluation. If that is not done, you are not allowed to race on Sunday at Silverstone. To make sure this is heard, the driver is messaged on Discord as well.

The Penalties

Wolfgang Kronthaler (Wolfgang Kronthaler) - P13c - 190
[Site] Wolfgang Kronthaler | [AC] Wolfgang Kronthaler | [ACC] Wolfgang Kronthaler
Driving Standards Warning - 10 points